Sunday, October 18, 2009

Project Homeless Connect

The Third Annual Project Homeless Connect (PHC) was held on Thursday, October 8th. The event was sponsored by the 10-year Plan to End Homelessness with funding from The United Way and many private donations. The event ran from 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. and was held in the Hargraves Center and St. Joseph’s Church in Chapel Hill. Services included: medical, dental, housing, food, coats, mental health services, foot care, haircuts, child care, etc. There were 50+ providers that volunteered their time and talent to help homeless individuals and those at risk of homelessness. There were 235 homeless individuals that were helped that day.

The IFC has participated in this event for the past three years. There were several staff members and IFC volunteers that spent the majority of their day serving a community in need. The Inter-Faith Council was represented by Chris Moran, Kristin Lavergne, Laurie Tucker and Angela MacDonald. The IFC table had a steady stream of guests inquiring about available services and how to get support and information. Clothing vouchers, emergency services, food pantry information, cell phones and many various services were offered to people needing assistance.

Many hours of preparation and planning went into this huge project. Laurie Tucker, IFC Residential Director and I have served on the steering committee for PHC for the past three years. Planning for this event starts in January and continues until the day of the event. Food, personal care kits, coats, printing, supplies, etc. are donated by businesses, faith-based communities and individuals. It is truly a group effort that helps make this event successful year after year.

One of the best things about the culture of the IFC is that staff and volunteers see a need by individuals in the community and work as a collective group to meet that need. This event is another example of a community coming together, addressing a need or problem and striving to find a solution. Thank you to all our IFC volunteers that help make this event successful. If you are interested in learning more about this event or how to volunteer at the IFC, please email me at